Monday 27 February 2012

Blogger of the Week 20/2/12

This weeks most up to date blogger is:


Congratulations Michael!

You all need to realise that you have a week before I start sending letters home outlining the work you are missing. If you do not meet the deadlines set out you will miss your final deadline completely. Make sure you're getting this work done please!!

Some of you are missing a considerable amount of work for no valid excuse, a trip is not an excuse!

Please get this work done!

Monday 6 February 2012

Blogger of the Week 3/2/12

Hi All,

Can't say I'm happy this week with the number of College Magazines up on blogs.

Only person who has completed both the College Mg and contents page with a description and therefore Blogger of the week is:


Well done! The closest to complete thereafter are Declan, Laura, Trevor and Kevin but you all need to put a description of your choices that you made in designing your magazine.

The rest of you need to get this stuff uploaded please!! Thanks